Monday, July 27, 2009

New Article *Hurry Up*

Sooner...July will come to the end. It means that my training still left 2 months...uhuu~~~
Everything is changing started from June 2009...
Best friends - graduated and stride to their careers *miss the moments in Malacca*
Me - training in a new place which not belongs to me *at this moment it is not belongs to me, as I think*
He - more and more busy with his jobs *thanks to his bosslady give him so "LESS" jobs to do, sh?t*
Time passed fast...
I should brave to overcome all new challenges *not a small kid anymore*
However, I would like to act as a small kid, at least when I feel depressed...
But, not all emotions can be simply speak out or write down *sad*

Monday, July 6, 2009


"@@让真心话待在心里 别冒险到人类的世界旅行
那麽多可爱的人民 会让它讨厌它自己
把真心话锁在心里 连自己也不要去冒险偷听
它不说也许还美丽 一出口就面目狰狞@@"